Healthcare Candidate Guide

Complaints, grievances & disciplinaries

  • In the event that you wish to raise a complaint, the following process will be followed with no recrimination on the complainant. Please document your complaint fully on an email to the Managing Director of Search Health & Social Care ( detailing as a minimum:

    • Complainant name
    • Address
    • Contact telephone number
    • Specifics of the complaint

    The email should then:

    • Detail the action to be taken to resolve the issues raised specifying time frames
    • Demonstrate that any action to be taken has been agreed with the complainant
    • Specify and document any preventive action to ensure there is no recurrence of the complaint

    The Managing Director of Search Health & Social Care will complete a quarterly local and national analysis of all complaints received. This will allow for a review of service provision and implement any relevant changes to the company process and procedure.

  • This procedure is designed to provide Search associates with the opportunity to raise any grievances that they have in relation to their employment with the company.

    Stage 1 - Search associates should firstly raise any grievance either verbally or in writing with their Search consultant. The Search consultant will arrange a meeting with the Search associate and respond in writing to the grievance within five working days.

    Stage 2 - If the Search associate is dissatisfied with the response received following Stage 1, or if the Search associate feels unable to raise the matter with his / her Search consultant, he or she should raise the grievance in writing with the next level of management. The senior manager will meet with the Search associate at the earliest practical opportunity and respond in writing within five working days of this meeting. The decision following this stage is final.

    Right to be accompanied - The Search associate has the right to be accompanied to any meetings by a fellow Search associate or appropriate trade union official at all stages of this procedure.

  • Search’s aim is to maintain standards of performance and behaviour. This procedure is designed to ensure that Search associates are fully aware of the standards of performance, action and behaviour expected.

  • In cases of minor instances of misconduct or poor performance, the company may elect to deal with the Search associate informally through verbal discussions. A note of these discussions will be kept by the company, but these discussions will not form part of any subsequent formal disciplinary proceedings. The Search associate does not have the right to be accompanied to informal meetings.

  • Prior to taking any disciplinary action, the company will fully investigate any allegations of wrongdoing. Notes will be taken of all interviews and meetings in connection with the investigation.

  • Verbal warning - In the case of minor breaches of company rules, or where performance is unsatisfactory, the company may issue a verbal warning. This warning will be confirmed in writing, and will normally be disregarded after a period of six months.

    Written warning - Where there are repeated minor breaches following a verbal warning or in the case of more serious misconduct, the company may issue a written warning. A written warning will normally be disregarded after a period of 12 months.

    Final written warning - Where further breaches of discipline or performance standards occur after a written warning, or where the misconduct is viewed as serious, the company may issue a final written warning. The final written warning will specify that any further breaches of discipline may result in an employee’s dismissal. A final written warning will normally be disregarded after a period of 18 months.

    Dismissal - Where further breaches of discipline or performance standards occur after a final written warning, or in the case of gross misconduct, the company may dismiss the employee either with or without notice. In cases of gross misconduct, normally no notice will be given or paid by the company. Depending on the seriousness of the offence, and at the sole discretion of the company, the company may start disciplinary proceedings at any stage of the procedure.

    Right to be accompanied - The Search associate shall be entitled to be accompanied to any formal disciplinary hearing or appeal by a fellow Search associate or an appropriate trade union official.

    Appeal - Search associates shall have the right to appeal against any disciplinary sanction. Appeals will normally be made to the next line of management to that which imposed the original disciplinary measure, and should be made in writing within five days of receipt of the letter confirming the disciplinary measure to be applied. An appeal hearing will be set as soon as practical thereafter.

    Employees with less than 2 year’s service - The company reserves the right at its sole discretion not to follow this disciplinary procedure in the case of a Search associate with less than two year’s service with the company.

  • The following list sets out the company rules. Breach of any of these rules may result in disciplinary action being taken against the Search associate. This list of rules is not exhaustive. Search associates are required to comply with the following obligations:

    • To attend work at the appointed time and to maintain acceptable time-keeping
    • To observe the company’s absence reporting procedure
    • To maintain an appropriate standard of dress and personal appearance in line with company requirements.
    • To observe the company’s health and safety policies and procedures, and to report any accidents or other instances that result in injury to themselves, fellow Search associates or any other individual at work
    • Not to smoke in areas that are not specifically designated for smoking
    • Where company vehicles are provided, to comply with the company’s policy on company car use. In particular, Search associates must immediately report any accidents involving company vehicles or damages to those vehicles.
    • To take care of all company equipment, including company cars
    • To obey all reasonable management instructions
    • To be polite to all customers, clients and suppliers of the company
    • To observe the company’s equal opportunities and harassment policies
    • To observe the company’s policies and procedures on data protection and use of email, internet and telephone facilities
    • To keep confidential both during and after their employment with the company all information gained in the course of their employment relating to the company and/or its clients, customers or suppliers
  • The following list sets out the type of behaviour that the company considers as gross misconduct. A breach of any of the following rules may result in the Search associate’s dismissal without notice. Note that this list is not exhaustive.

    • Theft
    • Fraud
    • Falsification of time-sheets or expenses claims or other documentation relating to employment
    • Violent conduct towards fellow Search associates, customers, clients or suppliers
    • Threatening conduct or swearing at fellow Search associates, customer, clients or suppliers
    • Gross insubordination, or a repeated refusal to obey a reasonable management instruction
    • Gross negligence
    • Instances of sexual (including sexual orientation), religious or racial harassment
    • Serious breach of the company’s email or internet policy, including the downloading or sending of pornographic or sexually explicit material, and the sending of racially offensive jokes
    • The introduction of viruses into the company’s computer system
    • Attending work whilst unfit as a result of alcohol or illegal drugs, including any instances where alcohol is consumed or illegal drugs used during working hours
    • Serious breach of the company Health and Safety policy
    • Serious breach of confidentiality
  • Search Health & Social Care require all candidates to possess either a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check (England) or Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) check (Scotland) at an enhanced level before accepting assignments.

    This check also verifies any records held relating to offences specific to vulnerable adults and / or children (ISA barred list). The DBS check is updated annually and you may be required to submit relevant ID to accompany the application.

    The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 allows an individual who has been convicted of certain offences to treat the conviction as ‘spent’. However due to the nature of the healthcare sector where candidates are in contact with vulnerable adults and children, all convictions, cautions and reprimands must be declared and are always considered ‘unspent’.

    Search Health & Social Care maintains a rigorous risk assessment policy on candidates with convictions on a DBS check. This allows Search to fairly evaluate the suitability for employment without prejudice.

    It is essential that you inform us if your DBS information changes at any point during your assignment as it may affect your suitability for the post. Failure to communicate any information may lead to dismissal.

    Search recommends that all candidate utilise the DBS online update service or the PVG update scheme. This allows all current or prospective employers to conduct a status check to verify an existing DBS/PVG remains current and unchanged since it was issued. In order for this to be accepted, Search must see evidence of the original DBS/PVG certificate. If candidates do not hold a current DBS/PVG check to enhanced level which is on the update service/scheme then a new DBS/PVG check will be required.

Immunisation requirements

Immunisation requirements

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